Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Picamilon and update on others

Picamilon basics from wikipediaPicamilon Basics

Getting that out of  the way, this is what I've noticed.  It has great anti-anxiety potential but doesn't have as much of the down side of the cognitive problems that most anxiolytics that a doctor might prescribe.  It does impede memory formation slightly, from what I noticed, but not to the degree that a benzodiazepine might.  It works better at higher than recommended dosage, but the curb seems to have a plateau effect with its effectiveness and there are probably not too many investigative studies on such high dosages and their effects.

I have been taking a range from 300mg-3g and I have seen that the effectiveness stopped around 2g, so I have stuck with the 2-2.5g daily dosage.  It has also helped cravings for alcohol; which, isn't discussed anywhere I could find on the internet, but might have some value there.

I have increased, added, and removed things one at a time to determine its usefulness in replacing or acting synergetically (correct adverb?) with certain ones.  It seems to be a great one to take with the correct dosage of phenibut (which I've seen has to be adjusted in respect to picamilon's dosage).  My normal "stressed-state" reaction to things have improved, but the combination can be synergetic in respect to creating a bit of brain fog, so watch out for that.

I would like to see how effective it is long term, but I will try to remain objective about whether or not an adjustment in dosage is truly warranted.


Cayenne pepper:  Taking a medication like omneprazole (Nexium?) seems to help a lot with the stomach acid problem without preventing the cayenne's ability to work (not a bad thing to try out after a few days of nexium if you require cayenne for whatever reason and have a stomach ulcer/acid problem).

Aniracetam cessation:  Watch out for X2 brain fog (ie- if you were taking it to sharpen your attention and memory to start with, stopping supplementation can make it seem worse for a while, it's hard to say if it is truly that much worse or not, but it appears to be this way).

Phenibut:  Dosage curb seems to make effects far more pronounced at higher dosage.  Has an effect on memory: qualitatively- at a certain dosage memories are much harder to make and/or retain; quantitatively- 2x~=50% memory (rough estimate- cannot be confirmed).

Taurine:  Is a great addition if you are already taking amino acids for weight training and you need to fight off anxiety.  I would recommend starting low (~0.5g) and working your way up.  (*I weigh 200 lbs, so my dosage requirements are likely different than someone who weighs 120 lbs).


Possible therapy options:

PTSD- biometric stimulation, exposure therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Biometric stimulation- I've only used a couple of times, but it helped with retrieving memories from the traumatic event.

Exposure therapy-  Helps to desensitize someone from the triggers of the flashbacks.

CBT-  Well, sometimes it is good to just talk about what happened and how and what emotions it stirs up and how to handle those emotions, memories, sensations.


 Sorry about the long absence:  I had some person problems come up and I wasn't able to make an entry and after making this entry I realized how unprepared I was for certain changes in my life.