Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oral Oleamide (Oleic Acid Amide)- CB1 agonist? But what does it do orally?

*See edit at bottom*


50 grams (1.76 oz) >99% purity
Serving size suggested 50mg (dose more likely for injection-Will talk about that later)
Observations of product.

Very fine granulated white/translucent powder (grains seem 1/2-1/3 size to nearly as large as normal table salt grains)
Strange plastic-like aroma.
Greasy feeling between fingers (slip agent industrially).
Contains 16X28mm desiccant packet(probably shouldn't eat this).
Measuring Method for this document.

AWS scale Lot:00-20739 (Capacity=600g, Graduation=0.1g/actual graduation and accurate to 0.2g [as 0.1g >/= +,- 0.03g-0.05g "best estimate"])

5 capsules=3.3g (-0.5g = 2.8g/5cap therefore 560mg Oleamide/00 capsule- specific method of filling, always measure!)
Personal dosage and purpose*see edit at bottom*:

Dose worked up to 2.2g-2.8g per day.
560mg/afternoon (optional)

Used for regulation of sleep and as pain reducing agent for muscle pain (neck) from old injury.  Original purchase was to assess abuse potential and medicinal value.  Turns out that lung pain has improved also.  Scoop used for measuring Oleamide's addition to drinks:  Orange 0.625cc=1/8 Teaspoon, measured to be approximately 500mg/scoop. 
Solubility in water is 0mg/ml, ethanol reported as 14mg/ml (testing was inconclusive, but methodology was flawed), should be soluble in chloroform and DMSO and might also be soluble in other solvents, but DMSO is the only one I plan to test next.  Seems to be mixable with cream and will likely test various oils, fats, and lecithin as well.  The idea is to make a solution that can be used to dose using a medicine dropper.

Dose started at 500mg/day and gradually increased to 2g/day (with optional dose bringing final total daily dosage to 2.8g).

Experimental high daily dosage tried at ~5g/day for 5 days.  No noticeable increase in effects/benefits at this daily dosage while increase in side-effects were noted.  Slightly sedating, even when taken orally.  Might even be compared to being very slightly stoned.  This effect seems to plateau at 1.5g/day and subsides with continual use.

Causes constipation!  I mean, very much so.  This is dose dependant, so the more you take each day, the more solid your "stuff" gets.

Resistance was noted.  To maintain effect for diminishing neck pain, dose had to be increased after 1.5-2 weeks.  Increase might be variable with each person. 

Synergetic effect noted with certain herbs, medicines, drugs, and nootropics (starting low is important because of this, but is a good practice with anything you put into your body).

Effects with narcotics are completely unknown at this time, but I would suggest that this is possible based on Oleamide's ability to dull/kill pain and increase constipation.  [Though:  "Correlation is not causation."]  Just watch out for this interaction in particular.

Possible interaction with Cannabis based on Oleamide itself, but unknown by myself at this time.

Might have applications of alleviating nightmares (I suffer from it myself and it improved greatly).

We should talk about what Oleamide is and how it is normally used.
Oleamide is Oleic Acid Amide, meaning it is oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid, reacted with ammonia.  No, you won't get the same results from consuming oleic acid, which can be found in various products including flax seed oil.  Oleamide is used as a slip-promoting agent in industrial applications (ie. using oleamide on plastic films/packaging that normally stick together, will glide apart fairly smoothly- which makes it a tricky-buggar at times to put into capsules).  It has been researched as a sleep-inducing/promoting agent when injected into the abdominal cavity (doses 5-50mg) and is found to be at increased levels in sleep deprived cats (feline).  Long-term administration of oleamide into living creatures is lacking documentation.  It was documented that animals (feline) injected with oleamide on a daily basis seemingly became resistant within 1.5-3 weeks.  Oleamide is considered an endocannabinoid and is broken down by FAAH similarly.  Whether it activates cannabinoid receptors when taken orally seems to lack documentation.  Oleamide is listed as a CB1 agonist (like THC), but it's effects are hugely different than would be expected when taken orally.  Questionable, ?-opioid activities mediated via cannabinoid receptors or opioid receptors in its own right.  When taken orally, does not seem to possess addictive qualities and does not induce physical withdrawal symptoms when stopped abruptly.

All-in-all, very useful and might be far superior in many aspects when injected, but since preparations/methods weren't detailed anywhere, no attempt was made to assess oleamide's effects when injected.

Use measuring tools and start low!  I hope this helps and please refer to previous post for vendors of oleamide, but is a good place to start.

Symptoms of apnea have dissipated.  A document I found later confirmed oleamide as a possible sleep apnea treatment.

Dimensions/specifications of subject:
215 pound white male
Currently taking medications.
Restrictive diet (gluten and dairy).
Sensitive to paranoia + anxiety inducing substances.
Other items pertinent, but unable to document at this time.


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